​​​​​Marengo County Emergency Communications District

The following information was designed by NOAA and The National Hurricane Center in order to help assist in preparation for Hurricane Season.  Click on the pictures below for more information.

 Are you ready for hurricane season this year?  Hurricane season begins on June 1, 2024 and ends November 30, 2024 so now is the time to prepare.  Hurricanes don’t only affect the people living on the coast but people living in our area.  Hurricanes can travel and cause damage hundreds of miles inland therefore now is the time to make sure you are ready.

Hurricane Season 2024

Prepare Now!

Marengo County E-911 would like to assist the Citizens in being prepared for not only hurricane season but for any severe weather that may threaten our area.  In order to be ready we would like to suggest that everyone has a "Emergency Kit (GO-BAG)" packed and ready.